Cox Mazda Community Involvement and Charitable Events

Cancer Awareness

Quacky’s Race for PACE

PACE, or Patient Access to Cancer Care Excellence, is a Lilly Oncology global initiative to help ensure the quality of care for cancer patients. At Quacky’s Race for PACE, Cox Mazda helps raise awareness by giving away a car that’s decorated with the iconic pink ribbon.

Cancer Awareness—Drive for a Cure

We support Great Cancer Awareness events each year, with specialty-wrapped vehicles we make available for functions throughout the Bradenton/Sarasota area. These vehicles will later be available for sale. Can we bring one of these vehicles to help your event? Call or message us!

Youth and High School Sports

We understand that health, team spirit, and a well-balanced life is important for kids, which is why we provide funding to a variety of local sports teams, including:

  • Manatee County Little League
  • GT Bray Little League
  • GT Bray Basketball
  • Manatee Wild Cats Football and Lacrosse
  • Bayshore Athletics
  • Lakewood Ranch Athletics
  • SouthEast Athletics
  • Braden River Athletics
  • Manatee High School Athletics
  • And more!

Eternal Summer Surf Camp

Cox Mazda is also happy to provide support for Eternal Summer Surf Camp, an organization that teaches youth how to surf while also providing them with a religious foundation based on God’s love.

JDRF—Emmabella’s Believers

Through Emmabella’s Believers, Cox Mazda provides support for JDRF. This organization is dedicated to helping provide essential research for children diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

The American Cancer Society

An essential organization in the fight against cancer, the American Cancer Society does great work in the community and Cox Mazda is proud to offer its support through Making Strides as well as Relay for Life.

Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby

As an auto dealership, we know the love of cars starts young–perhaps nowhere so much as the Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby, which Cox Mazda is proud to host.

Miss Florida

We’re happy to support Florida’s representative in the Miss America pageant, in which the Sunshine State has seen two winners over the years.

Bradenton Police Department and Manatee County Sheriff’s Department

The team at Cox Mazda is proud to support the work of our public servants in blue through the Bradenton Police Department and Manatee County Sheriff’s Department.

Toys for Tots

No children should go without the things they need, and every child deserves to get something they want as well. Toys for Tots is a children’s toy drive to help pool together donations for children, particularly during the holiday season.

Salvation Army Canned Food Drive

Cox Mazda is committed to helping ensure that people in our community don’t go hungry by helping out with the Salvation Army Canned Food Drive.

De Soto Grand Parade

Cox Mazda is proud to be a presenting sponsor for the De Soto Grand Parade, which is one of the largest parades in the Southeast, featuring over 150 floats! Attendance for this yearly spring event can exceed 100,000 people, so you’ll want to get there early, especially if you’re trying to get a good view of the new Hernando de Soto, the newly-crowned Queen, and the Princess. 

Crosthwait Memorial Fishing Tournament

For going on 40 years now, the Crosthwait Memorial Fishing Tournament is held each year to pay tribute to Colonel Sam Crosthwait. Held every year in May, the event is the most long-standing multi-species tournament in the region and draws hundreds of anglers and crowds numbering in the thousands. Most notably, charitable community donations from the Crosthwait have exceeded $150,000 over the course of the last 10 years alone.

Get Involved in Your Community

The team at Cox Mazda in Bradenton is dedicated to making our communities better places to live. Whether you’re in Sarasota, Tampa, or somewhere in the surrounding areas, what better time than now to get involved? Fill out our donation request form, or feel free to get in touch with us about any of the work we do in the community!


Cox Mazda 27.4618091, -82.5926101.